How to Remove Eyelash Extensions at Home: The Ultimate Guide

Hi my Name is Amy and I own one of the Top Eyelash Extensions Studio’s in Sydney.

To look more youthful and appealing without the use of makeup, lash extensions may be your first choice. As the lash extensions add volume and lift up your face for a younger look. But the problem comes in when your lashes start drooping down and shedding. Either due to any reason like safety or hygiene, you can’t have a touchup at the salon. The very first idea that strikes your mind is common. Could you remove your eyelash extensions at home?

Definitely, you can remove the lash extensions at home. But do you know what the experts say about this and is it safe to remove extensions at home? There is a lot of misinformation out there on “How to remove eyelash extensions at Home” but don’t worry:

In this guide, you will get the ultimate tips and ways on How to remove eyelash extensions at home. So, keep reading.


Is It Safe to Remove Lash Extensions at Home?

Founder of Beautifeyes Amy Rodgers states, β€œPlucking off those lashes one by one is not good for the natural lashes. And unfortunately, we don’t have over-the-counter or DIY oil-based products to safely remove the eyelash extensions.

Here’s the deal:

You can safely remove the extensions at home by keeping in mind a few points. With the advice of lash experts and experience of safe removing, we have compiled easy ways for you to remove eyelash extensions at home.

All these ways are super easy to perform. But they need your gentle handling to avoid any damage to your natural extensions.

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What to Do If You Are Too Desperate: Should You Break the Rules?

It is easy for you to put the lash extensions on, but to take care of them seems tedious for you. The rule of thumb to avoid the premature breakage of your lash extensions is to take proper care.

Lash Experts says:

Applying lash conditioning serum and brushing them with spoolie will prevent the shedding of lashes. But it is inevitable to get rid of these irritating falsies. There is no magic that you can remove these lashes in the twinkling of eyes.

The best part?

Use our recommended guide “How to Remove Eyelash Extensions at Home” to speed up the process of removing the extensions. We will provide you the bonus tips on how to keep the natural lashes protected. Mainly, how to keep your eyes free of irritating fluids.

So, let’s start without wasting time:

Eyelash Extensions: A Complete, Dermatologist-Approved Guide

Use an Oil-based Makeup Remover or Cleanser

If you are trying to remove the lashes within a window of time about 3-5 days, then oil-based cleansers are your best friends. It doesn’t matter if you have an oil-based makeup remover or cleanser, both have the same functions.

Apply the oil gently around the lashes to loosen the lash glue. Then in the next step of washing your face, apply the oil in a circular motion. This will help to dissolve the lash glue on your lashes.

The last thing, this is not a one-night miracle. And don’t pluck or pull the lashes while applying the oil. Doing this will damage your natural lashes. Use this method to remove the eyelash extensions a few days before.

Use Professional Lash Remover to protect your Natural Lashes

You might be wondering that using the lash remover can pose a risk to your eyes or natural lashes. But few precautions and gentle handling will free you from the falsies.

You might think to yourself:

Could you do it? Yeah, definitely you can do it. Follow our safety tips to remove the eyelash extensions using a lash remover.

Take a professional grade or your dermatologist recommended lash remover.

First, saturate two cotton pads with the cleansing water. Then apply these saturated pads under your eyes to prevent any kind of liquid from getting into your eyes.

Simply, quote a Q-Tip with a pump of lash remover. Then fully cover the lashes with the Q-tip. Keep in mind not to rub the dry Q-Tip on lashes. Again apply the lash remover to make it wet. Twirl around the lashes to disperse the products over the whole lash area.

It is best to sit calmly for about 10 mins to let the lash remover dissolve all the glue. Because the instant plucking will also pull off your natural lashes, creating bald spots. And you don’t want to do that.

After 10 mins, gently quote the lashes onto the saturated cotton pad with a clean Q-tip. It’s done now.

By using this method, you can easily and safely get rid of lash extensions at home.

Remover Eyelash Extensions Cream

Apply Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

It’s a more safe method to remove the eyelash extensions. Olive oil will not pose any risk to your natural lashes or your eyes. It can cause a temporary blurring of vision.

What’s the bottom line:

It is safe to use olive oil for the removal of lash extensions. But follow a few preventive hacks.

Take a cotton pad and fold it. Put this under your eyes to protect the penetration of oil into your eyes. As above mentioned, take a Q-tip dipped in olive oil and gently brush it around the lashes. Again, gently rub the Q-tip around the lashes. Within few minutes, the glue will be dissolved and you can gently tug out the leftover. Harshly plucking the lashes will also pull out the natural lashes.

If you have dense lashes to remove, tap the eyes with a cotton pad and repeat the procedure with gentle hands. And you have safely removed the lashes at home.

Coconut oil: are the health benefits a big fat lie? | Coconuts | The Guardian

Get into Hot Steamy Shower

Taking the hot steamy shower is the least invasive method to remove your lashes at home. Turn your shower on and adjust a constant temperature after the buildup of steam. Go ahead and let the steam do its work. Steam will break the bond between the adhesive or glue making it easy for you to remove the lashes.

Think before stepping into a hot steamy shower. Long, steamy showers can lead to dry, scaly red skin. Try lukewarm temperature instead … | Steamy, Dermalogica, Derm


Though it is easy to remove the eyelash extensions at home. But the process requires your patience and gentle handling. There are as many hacks available online to remove the lashes instantly. But the too harsh and quick process will damage your eyelids, natural lashes, and even your eyes. Whatever process you are trying, just hold the preventive hand with gentle care. And, you can easily remove the lash extensions at home without any risk.

Check this pro tip:

In the end, it is best to apply castor oil or the lash serum after removing the extensions. Using them will strengthen your natural lashes and helps to overcome the thinning of hairs.

7 Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil